Director ID
From the 1st of November 2022, Australian company directors are required by law to verify their identity with the Australian Business Registry Service and obtain a Director ID.
A director ID is a unique identifier that you keep forever. It’s free to apply and you only need to apply once. Only YOU can apply for your Director ID. No one can apply for you. If you fail to apply, penalties may be applicable.
If you are a company director appointed prior to 1 November 2021, you must obtain your director ID by 30 November 2022.
Proposed new company directors should apply for a director ID before they are appointed.
To obtain a Director ID, you are required to complete the MyGovID identification requirements. The identification process requires you to verify your identity using a combination of identification documents and existing ATO-held information.
Once I have my Director ID, what should I do?
Please email it on through to us.